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call 786.512.8308.

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Gift Certificates are available.


Swedish massage works the body’s soft tissues (muscles and ligaments) using rhythmic strokes with increasing pressure and hot packs. Sheets assure comfort and privacy.

Massage Duration: 1, 1.5 or 2 hours

The Benefits

Promotes deep relaxation and

releases stress

Releases muscular pain and

stiffness; promotes tissue elasticity

Relieves sciatica and joint pain

Supports lymphatic and immune


Improves sleep quality and

strengthens the immune system

Enhances sense of wellbeing


Chronically blocked energy may cause ongoing pain in specific areas – especially the neck, shoulders, jaw

and calf muscles.

Combination massages assure
deep muscular relaxation and a release of  the nervous system – clearing the mind.


Three days before delivery, a
pre-labor massage relaxes the body and mind.

Massage Duration: 1 hour

The Benefits

Eases the anxiety of labor

Stimulates endorphin release

Increases blood circulation,

delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the mother and baby


Physician’s clearance required

A post-partum massage helps restore a new mother’s body to its
pre-pregnancy state and speeds up recovery from a C-section.

Massage Duration: 1 hour

The Benefits

  Reduces stress and swelling

Improves breastfeeding

Releases muscles confined during


Eases post-partum depression

and helps regulate hormones

              • Prevents C-section scar 


During a prenatal massage, the client is comfortably supported by pillows, facilitating access to the back, arms, legs, neck and head.

Massage Duration: 1 hour

The Benefits

Reduces swelling

Releases sciatic pain

Alleviates muscular discomfort

and tightness

Helps prevent calf cramps

Promotes relaxation

Increases oxygen in the blood

Supports the immune system

Makes the pregnancy experience

more relaxed and comfortable

If you’re overworked and stressed, massage therapy is the perfect counterbalance

for today’s hectic lifestyle.

Massage in white

7520 SW 57 Avenue, Suite K   •   Miami, Florida 33143   •   www.YogaMarit   •   786.512.8308

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